Ed said, “You can set one of the Cokes at the far end of the bar for the man with the gun.”Like a fan at a tennis match, Shirley’s head was moving from side to side as she looked first at the kid and then at Ed and back at the kid again. He finished off the Coke that he had been drinking and pushed the glass towards Shirley. Tasha smiled at the thought of seeing Sharon and Don, again. High tea at the posh Drake’s Palm Court was an indulgence she had never experienced, now here she was invited to be a guest of the Whitings. It read, The pleasure of your company is requested for lunch at 1 o’clock pm at The Palm Court at The Drake Hotel. She looked at the note card first, it was handwritten in a neat cursive script. I could have stopped him then, told him no, that it was wrong, but it didn't feel wrong. I touched his face, and felt his hands on my backside, pulling me close. When our lips parted I looked into his eyes. hen I was against the glass of the window, thirty floors up, and I wanted his dick in me so bad that I was begging him to fuck me. It was a promising kiss, full of intention and need. He kissed me with such passion that there was no doubt that he wanted me, and I kissed him back.